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Lock down, a great time to start a business

Well what a month it has been! I can't thank this community enough for getting behind Gippsland Adventure Therapy. We've had a lot of fun getting outside and making the most of Gippsland's beautiful parks and reserves.

A huge thanks to everyone who has joined me for an adventure or made an enquiry. Thanks to each of you who have followed along on social media, liked/shared/commented and cheered me on.

This latest lockdown got me thinking about ways we can all enjoy nature close to home. I thought I'd share some of my favourites with you here.

Nature walks

This is an easy one, but we often forget to slow down and notice the wonderful natural sights and sounds around us. Get to know your local birds and wildlife and keep an eye out for interesting bugs and fungi. It's fun to explore and helps you connect with nature.

If you're feeling adventurous grab the torch and head out for a nighttime walk. Possums, owls, bats? Who's hiding out after dark in your area?

Treasure hunts

Kids love treasure hunts! Put together a list of nature treasures to find together: a feather, a yellow flower, a round stone. Once you've done that a few times try hiding painted rocks or small figurines. Draw a map or give out a list of clues and work together to find them all.

Geocaching is an outdoor treasure hunt for young people and adults. Use a smartphone and geocaching app to search for geocaches in your area. These can be tricky and take a bit of patience.

Backyard camping

If you happen to be stuck at home and looking for an adventure, try setting up camp in the backyard. A tent is great if you have one but a beach shelter or old sheet can work as well.

Hot chocolates, s'mores or marshmallows on the fire make it a real treat. If you do stay out after dark make sure you check out the stars. Keep an ear out for any nighttime nature noises and explore the backyard with a torch.

Here are a few handy resources to help you get started:

Yours in adventure,

Doug Moczynski

Owner/Operator Gippsland Adventure Therapy

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