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Service Update - Referral Process

Gippsland Adventure Therapy has made it through its first 12 months of full-time operation! I

started the business smack bang in the middle of the pandemic, not the original plan. I’m proud that we’ve made it out the other end of the startup phase.

I’m the sole facilitator for individual sessions and provide a specialized and tailored service

suitable for young people working through complex trauma as well as young people with diagnosis such as ASD and ADHD.

Due to such demand for the service and a desire to make it as available as I can I have limited all new referrals to a maximum of 10 sessions. This is to allow other young people the opportunity to access the service. Once completed you’re able to book in a further 10

sessions once availability opens again.

There is no wait list, my current capacity doesn’t allow me the time to effectively manage this. When spaces become available, I advertise them to my mailing list which you can sign up to via the contact page on the website.

The service is available to all young people 21 years and under, you don’t require a specific referral, sim

ply sign up to the mailing list or contact me if you’d like to discuss anything in further detail.

Over the coming months I’ll announce further service updates such as the possibility of a regular group program.

Yours in adventure,

Doug Moczynski

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