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Service Announcement

Wow! 3 months into the full-time delivery of Gippsland Adventure Therapy. I know now, without a doubt, that this is the best decision I could have made.

I love working with each of my clients and seeing them engage in the outdoors and nature. Thanks again to everyone for believing in me, trusting me with this work and engaging with my service.

It’s been an overwhelming couple of months. Learning on the run and finding time for all the back of house requirements of running a small business.

I’ve made it through the start-up fog and have a clear vision for the future. In 2022 Gippsland Adventure Therapy will offer:

· Regular individual 3 to 6 hour sessions. New clients will be able to access up to 10 sessions. After that there will be an option for rereferral back onto the wait list. Current on-going clients will remain so until such time that you no longer need the service.

· Community Days on the last Saturday of each month. Want to access outdoor adventure activities in a safe and supportive environment? These days are low cost and aim to provide more people with the opportunity to join in. I'll announce the activity and location at the beginning of the month. Registrations will be open to individuals and families on the website.

· Group sessions. Looking to book a one-off group activity session? Please contact me to chat about the available options to suit your group.

I have big hopes for expanding the service even more in the future. I promise to keep you in the loop with more on that as it happens. I can’t wait to grow Gippsland Adventure Therapy into something amazing!

Yours in adventure,

Doug Moczynski

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